Thus an unduly authoritative education turns the pupils into timid tyrants, incapable of either claiming or tolerating originality in word or deed. The effect upon the educators is even worse: they tend to become sadistic disciplinarians, glad to inspire terror, and content to inspire nothing else. – Bertrand Russell

This page has a table of almost every course I have followed so far by myself. During my bachelor, I hated the way these materials represented in my university (SUT). They didn’t encourage learning and understanding the subject, but only memorizing it. This was my attempt to keep my passion to learn, and I’m really happy that I did this.

SUT Course Name Matching Course Notes
General Math 1 MIT Single Variable Calculus (link) Perfect match.
General Math 2 MIT Multi-variable Calculus (link) Perfect match.
General Physics 1 MIT Classical Mechanics (link) Perfect match.
General Physics 2 MIT Electricity and Magnetism (link) Perfect match.
Probability and Statistics MIT Introduction to Probability (link) Linear models and random processes are not covered in SUT.
Harvard Statistics 110 (link) More theoretical. Much better in details.
Fundamentals of Electric and Electronic Circuits MIT Circuits and Electronics (link) Perfect match, but different order.
Computer Structure and Language MIT Computation Structures (link) Not a match at all.
This class is all about reading documentation for certain (old) machines. I enjoyed reading them.
Differential Equations MIT Differential Equations (link) Perfect match. This course builds your intuition on the subject.
Linear Algebra MIT Linear Algebra (link) Perfect match. Second half misses theoretical proofs and it's more about intuition.
Theory of Formal Languages and Automata MIT Theory of Computation (link) Covers more than SUT. Best course if you are interested in the details of the subject.
Compiler Design Stanford Compilers (link) SUT's course is inspired by this. It misses most of the proofs. Not ideal if you want to learn the subject.
I learned mostly from the book "Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools". If you are interested in the theory of LR parsers, I recommend "Introduction to the Theory of Computation" by Michael Sipser.
Digital Systems Design The entire course is about coding in Verilog. Any tutorial about Verilog will be sufficient.
Computer Architecture I couldn't find a single course that covers the whole subject. The syllabus is subjective and depends on the lecturer.
Numerical Computations The name of this course is misleading. It should be called "Numerical Analysis", similar to the name of its reference book by Burden and Faires. There was no video course on this subject, and I think reading the book was better than a course anyway.
Theory of Computation This is the advanced course, following "Theory of Formal Languages and Automata". The syallbus was recusive functions, first order logic, inference and resolution, and $\omega$-languages. I mention the references that were enjoyable and new to me.
Computability and Logic by Boolos, Burgess, and Jeffery Very detailed in proofs and theorem, sometimes making the reading cumbersome.
Computational Complexity by Papadimitriou The first time I was reading this was hard for me to understand. Although the second time I could enjoy the subject.
Computer Networks Computer Networks by Kurose (link) Perfect match.
Artificial Intelligence MIT Artificial Intelligence (link) Not a good match, but I highly recommend this.
The whole course is selected chapters from "Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach" by Russel and Norvig. The book misses the intuition, but good at going through theory and proofs.